iCapp - the company behind rhinoreverse™
iCapp GmbH was founded in February 2000 by Dr. Stefan Schmälzle and Dr. Jörg Danzberg. Our core business consists of software development for design and modelling of free form surfaces. To take advantage of our competitions NURBS-mathematics and forming technologies we concentrate on two market places:

1. Tool making in car body construction
Using our software PanelShop, the user is enabled to automatically calculate large offset faces or complex trimming dies (see Figure 1) to design. Flanches will be unwind and non parametrical rounding fillets will be retransformed in sharp edged faces. Customers are OEM´s of automobile industry as well as their suppliers.

2. Design and engineering
New fast methods for face approximation have been developed to solve typical requirements of reverse engineering tasks. A comfortable stand allone software and an cost saving plug-in for Rhinozeros are available now. We addressed our easy to use software interbranchly to small and medium-sized companies.
Our business ideas have been prized by the Businessplan competition "Venture 2000" (McKinsey, ETH Zürich) and by the "Swiss Technology Award 2001" (several Swiss cantons).
Visit iCapp www.icapp.ch
or contact us via phone +41 43 818 25 15
or e-mail rhinoreverse@icapp.ch
Face model of the outer side panel for Porsche with the basic solids of the trimming dies |
Reconstructed faces based on measured points |