09. March 2018
rhinoreverse™ 6 for Rhinoceros® 6 is coming soon!
We just entered into the testing phase of the beta-version and expect the sales start soon.
28. December 2017
New reseller in Austria (Vienna)!
ThreeKC Mediaware Trading,
managed by Christian Kobierski,
is the 67th international dealer for rhinoreverse™.
Find all reseller on our
Sales Page.
31. October 2017
Strong demand: 80 downloads per month
rhinoreverse™ is very popular! For the past 3 months, rhinoreverse™
has been downloaded by 80 new customers each month. Demand has risen steadily over the past few
years and is now higher than ever. If you are not yet a customer, then make your own picture and test rhinoreverse™:
Click here to download version 3 (64 bit, for Rhino 5)
08. December 2015
Update for rhinoreverse™ 3 for Rhino 5!
Version 3.0.7 (64 bit) is released. All customers having bought a rhinoreverse™ 3 license
can download, install and run the update without an extra fee or the need of a new license key.
Version 3.0.7 (64 bit) contains a major improvement of stability when using large STL-data and
sketching complex surface topology. In addition the core algorithm for NURBS-surface calculation
was extended to enable the calculation of larger surfaces by sketching it's boundary.
Click here to download version 3.0.7 (64 bit)
09. July 2015
New reseller in Germany (Frankfurt am Main)!
imagine computation GmbH,
managed by Martin Manegold,
is the 66th international dealer for rhinoreverse™.
Find all reseller on our
Sales Page.
30. August 2013
New version rhinoreverse™ 3.0 for Rhino 5 released!
New appearance and new toolbar
All significant results and improvements of the continuous development process have been added to version 3. Additional functions are:
- Distance calculation from point mesh to NURBS surface
- Recalculation of spline curves
Download and test rhinoreverse™ 3.0 for free: Download
31. July 2013
Rhinoreverse™ 3.0 for Rhinio 5 released!
Running now with 64bit windows systems rhinoreverse™ allows
to handle larger meshes. Additional functionality enables to...
Find the option for buying on
Sales page.
11. January 2012
New reseller in Germany (Pforzheim)!
managed by Jutta Gauss,
is the 65th international dealer for rhinoreverse™.
Find all reseller on our
Sales page.
30. August 2011
New reseller in Peru!
3D Model Per�,
managed by Victor Soto G.,
is the 64th international dealer for rhinoreverse™.
Find all reseller on our
Sales page.
11. January 2011
rhinoreverse™ version 2.11.1 released.
This new version covers some smaller bug fixes.
16. October 2009
For all Italian speaking people we released today an Italian version of our
video tutorial.
Enjoy the soothing voice of a lady!
06. October 2009
iCapp exhibits at EUROMOLD 2009 (2.- 5. Dec. 2009, Frankfurt, Germany).
EUROMOLD is the World Fair for Moldmaking and Tooling, Design and Application Development.
You will find us in hall 11, booth F98.
06. April 2009
We present fancy and innovative product and application ideas:
Motivated by Stefan Bloss with his product idea
"Angry Wolf",
we started to publish fancy and innnovative
ideas for products and applications. The ideas must base on surface-reconstructions,
done with our software tools. See our gallary.
19. March 2009
covermesh version 1.0.
The first version of a fully automated surface reconstruction software is ready now.
This software is not a Rhino-plug-in but a stand alone program,
designed to work like a converter: being called from the command line of a windows system.
It is optimized today to convert bone structures.
Organical shapes without sharp edges and ruled surfaces are handled.
See results in our gallery.
Please contact us to get more information and to get a test version.
20. October 2008
iCapp exhibits at EUROMOLD 2008 (3.- 6.Dec. 2008, Frankfurt, Germany).
World Fair for Moldmaking and Tooling, Design and Application Development.
You will find us in hall 6.1, booth E75.
25. September 2008
rhinoreverse™ update 4 (version 2.9) released!
Important bugs and requests have been solved:
- Installation on Windwos Vista - problems solved
- Calculation of (start) faces stabilized
- CAD-meshes and FEM-meshes now better to use
- RRCommit with new options for curves
- ...
Find more details for most important improvements in our Release Notes.
The new version includes a free trial period of 30 days for all rhinoreverse™ users!
Download rhinoreverse™ 2.9.
17. - 19. September 2008
iCapps exhibits on "Rhinoceros Reseller Meeting 2008" in Barcelona.
See the presentation
"Innovative surface solutions with approximated Nu(r)bs".
7. September 2008
New video tutorial ready.
01. September 2008
Special offer to automatically convert STL- to NURBS-data was ended yesterday night (31. August 2008).
12. August 2008
Automated rhinocovermesh alpha-version is ready!
The alpha version of a fully automated surface reconstruction software is ready now.
To finally test this version, we offer to convert your models for free.
Send us your STL-data (12.-31. August) and we return the appropriate
Please see our gallary with more than 20 complex examples!
The current version is optimized for 3d watertight volume models with organic shapes.
18. April 2008
rhinoreverse™ update 3 (version 2.8) ready to download:
- For geography and architecture: A new function was developed, called
RRRelief. It allows to efficently create NURBS for large country surfaces.
- The existing function RRPatch for filling holes and
creating transitions between given faces was improved a lot: Robustness in calculation
and a new option to use additional inner shaping curves have been implemented.
- Furthermore some smaller improvements for mouse handling and stability in general have been done.
27. November 2007
rhinoreverse™ update 2 for Rhino 4 SP1 released!
Much more stability and ease of use. Create your whole surface model by the use of only two mouse buttons!
1. November 2007
EUROMOLD (05.-08 Dez. 2007, Frankfurt) hall 61/E79
We present the latest update for rhinoreverse™ but mainly support our partners:
We also present:
- PanelShop,
a software for toolmakers in car body construction and
- Special projects: Designing one surface for the membran roof of the
Centre Pompidou-building in Metz.
24. August 2007
rhinoreverse™ update 1 for Rhino 4 SP1 released!
The new version was compiled with the new SDK (Software Development Kit) f�r Rhino 4 SP1, it does no longer run
with Rhino 4 without SP1!
- Two new options have been implemented: "Join" and "Split".
Both functions can be activated with the right mouse button.
Two connected poly lines can be merged to one using function "Join".
Function "Split" is to split one poly line at any poly line point into two separated lines.
This is to design the continuity of the surface boundary. Tangential or sharp edged. Both
options will be displayed at the mouse cursor, if it is close to any poly line point.
The displaying can be switched off/on with the standard Rhino option:
- Sometimes the user needs a clear overview. To realise this the curve preview
can now be switched off/on with the option "Live Edit" in our rhinoreverse-dialog.
Panning of the points will then still be able, but new curve points can not be set.
- The special Function RRPatch() has been totally reworked. Now the input of complex
curve networks also results in proper faces. A new option is to consider additional
shaping curves.
2. August 2007
First patch released!
The use of rhinoreverse™ 2 is now absolutely intuitive:
Sketching face boundaries is completely done by mouse, no more need of any keyboard commands.
A new UNDO mechanism makes the software much more comfortable and a new toolbar has been added
to get fast access to all commands.... Feel free to download and test the new version!
28. Juni 2007
First patch is comming soon...
We spend some time to improve the handling: A toolbar will be added to the GUI,
the number of commands will be reduced and the mouse navigation - today controlled by the use
of the keyboard - is getting much easier.
29. Mai 2007
We enlarged the special offer period for
rhinoreverse™ 2 to 15/06/07. Find more details in section "Sales".
29. Mai 2007
Release version rhinoreverse 2 ready.
The last development phase was used to optimize robustness, face quality and memory management.
Functional details have been improved and some new ones have been added.
E.g. rotating the object by the use of the right mouse button has been enabled again.
Also new is the possibility to display control points for the new faces when defining them.
The release version is ready now. It can be downloaded and tested for 14 respectively 30 days
(for the first installation).
27. April 2007
Updated beta version for rhinoreverse 2
ready for download. The healing algorithm has been improved a lot to bring better results for the face transitions.
To also improve the view and display handling a new command has been added: RRHideMesh enables the user to rapidly switch between
showing and hiding the mesh object. When calling now RRCommit the new faces will be added to new layer.
The layer number is given automatically.
5. April 2007
rhinoreverse 2
beta version for Rhinoceros® 4 is ready for download. RhinoReverse
is now deeper integrated in Rhino 4: As well the look-and-feel as the data handling
is absolutely Rhino-like. Furthermore the mathematical functions have been renewed
overall: Now trimmed surfaces are created. This new developed technology offers two
great advantages. It enables the user to define the surface boundary much easier and
faster by any arbitrary number of sketched curves. And, at the same time the quality
of the resulting faces (smoothness and transitions) gets much better than before.
12. Januar 2007
Special Offer 1: rhinoreverse 2. All new customers,
who will purchase rhinoreverse 1 together with the upgrade to version 2 within
the next weeks, will get the package for 995 US$ (Europe 995 EUR) instead of 1290 US$ (Europe 1290 EUR).
12. Januar 2007
Special Offer 2: Upgrade rhinoreverse 2. All customers,
who still have bought rhinoreverse 1, will get the upgrade to version 2 (for Rhino 4)
until May 07 for 295 EUS$ (Europe 295 EUR) instead of 395 US$ (Europe 395 EUR).